San Margarita or Santa Monica?

Images from No One Laughs at a Dead Clown

Images from Santa Monica and the almost real San Margarita

Scenes from the murder mystery novel, No One Laughs at a Dead Clown. Learn about San Margarita, Razz McNeil, Sharky Sampson, Wally Bumpers, and much more.

The Pier seems so safe at this time of day.

… the solar-powered Ferris wheel at repose … the Pier seems so safe here, but it always looks safer than it is.

Thirteen steps up to the Pier. That's an unlucky number.

... there are thirteen steps leading up to the Pier from the boardwalk ... thirteen, hmm, maybe that’s where the Pier's bad luck began.

Two people fishing from Pier. These guys are dangerous for surfers.

... people fishing from the Pier in the early morning … when I'm surfing, I just hope they "don’t hook me like some scaly sea bass!"

Gold Shore site. Before work and money change everything.

… site for the new Gold Shore Resort and Hotel … I've got to admit that Richard Gold is a mover and shaker in this town.

Ferris wheel and Pier at night. What am I so afraid of?

… the Pier blurs in the distance … I don't why, but I don't feel safe going down there tonight.

The Pier police station. Why doesn't it feel safe here?

… the police substation at the Pier ... the police are so close, but where are they when you really need them?

No One Laughs at a Dead Clown

A Murder Mystery in SoCal
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